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Image Title calendar2024-01-28

Archäologisch-geophysikalische Prospektion am Rande des Zagrosgebirges in Kurdistan

Im Rahmen eines Forschungsprojektes begab sich ein bayerisches Prospekti onsteam im Oktober des vergangenen Jahres auf eine Forschungsexpedition in den Nordostirak, genauer in die süd kurdischen Provinzen Sulaymaniyah und Halabjah. Hier in der Shahrizor Ebene, nahe der irakisch-iranischen Grenze, sollten an drei Fundorten Un tersuchungen durchgeführt werden.

Image Title calendar2024-02-28

Opening a scientific course for training and teaching in photogrammetry program

Training course on photogrammetry program was held from 18/2/2024 to 23/2/2024 in Slemani. The course was taught by archaeologist Tiago Costa for a few days

Image Title calendar2024-01-29

Excavations at Shaikh Marif, Iraqi Kurdistan Preliminary Report of the First Season (2022)

Grdi-Shaikh Marif The archaeological site of Shaikh Marif, located in the Shahrizor Plain ca. 500 m south of Gird Shamlu along the Wadi Shamlu, was registered by the Iraq Museum in 1943. In November 2012, the Shahrizor Survey Project additionally identified several new artificial mounds near Shaikh Marif. Among them, a cluster of two tiny mounds is called, together with Shaikh Marif itself, “Se Tapanسێ تەپان ” by the local people, and thus all three mounds were designated “Shaikh Marif”: Shaikh Marif I (the original northern mound), Shaikh Marif II (a western mound also called “Ash Shaikh Marif” by the locals), and Shaikh Marif III (an eastern mound). The land is seasonally cultivated today, and the water of the Darband-i Khan Dam Lake occasionally covers almost entire areas of the mounds. Owing to modern cultivation and the erosion by flowing water, a large amount of archaeological materials were easily observed on the surface. While no prehistoric material was identified at Shaikh Marif III, numerous Late Neolithic potsherds were scattered across the other two mounds as well as the materials dated to the younger periods. The date of these Late Neolithic sherds was estimated to be ca. 6400 6000 BC. A Japanese archaeological team (directed by Takahiro Odaka, Kanazawa University) excavated Shaikh Marif II in 2022 and revealed the Late Neolithic layers, which directly accumulated on the virgin soil. Most of the finds were dated to ca. 6100-6000 BC, although a small amount of the artefacts from the historical periods indicate human activities in the middle Medieval and the Ottoman Periods.

The Last Hunters of the Eastern Fertile Crescent Archaeological Project

Article Name

Ashkawta Rash(ئەشکەوتە ڕەش)  is a Palaeolithic cave site located. 35 km northwest of the city of Slemani, near the Bazian Gates. Excavations at Ashkawta Rash Cave began in May-June 2023 by a joint team from the University of Liverpool and the Slemani Directorate of Antiquities & Heritage directed by Professor Eleni Asouti, with Professor Douglas Baird as co-director and Mr Amanj Ameen (MA) as the Slemani Directorate representative.

Research at Ashkawta Rash Cave is conducted as part of the Last Hunter-Gatherers of the Eastern Fertile Crescent (LASTHUNTER) project, with a permit issued by the General Directorate of Antiquities & Heritage in Erbil, and are generously supported by the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the British Institute for the Study of Iraq. The first season of work at Ashkawta Rash Cave revealed late Pleistocene deposits at the cave threshold and in its main chamber dating from the Epipalaeolithic period, based on the lithic industry which displays clear affinities with that of neighbouring Palegawra Cave.

Late Pleistocene sediments were unusually rich in charred plant remains while burnt animal bone (wild caprines, tortoise, etc.) was also abundant. Previous research by the same team at Palegawra Cave (published in 2020) has established a chronology for the Epipalaeolithic period in the Slemani region between 20,000 and 13,000 years ago. The excellent charcoal preservation will enable an extensive programme of radiocarbon dating at Ashkawta Rash Cave, and help determine how it relates to the Epipalaeolithic habitation known from the neighbouring Palegawra Cave. Large scale, intensive sampling of soil and its processing by water flotation has produced approximately 200 bags of charred plant remains from Epi palaeolithic deposits at Ashkawta Rash.

Such scale of charred plant recovery is unique for Palaeolithic sites anywhere in the Zagros, and makes Ashkawta Rash Cave the most important source of new data about Palaeolithic plant uses and late Pleistocene vegetation ecology in the Eastern Fertile Crescent.