En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-03-28


The archaeological mission from the University of Tsukuba began to investigate the Neolithic sites in the Iraqi-Kurdistan region in 2014. The purpose of our investigations was to reconsider the issue of Neolithization in Iraqi-Kurdistan, where research began in the 1940s and 50s and was stalled by political issues starting in the 1960s. With the full support of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Slemani Department of Cultural Heritage, we first began our research at the Qalat Said Ahmadan site, located in the Pshdar Plain. We were able to identify the cultural deposits of the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, those of the Hassuna, Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid, and Iron Age, and have clarified the nature of the Neolithic site located at the edge of the fan deposits [Tsuneki et al. 2015, 2016, 2019].

Image Title calendar2024-01-28

Gird-î Qalrakh: a small mound in the North-eastern Shahrazor Plain

The site of Gird-î Qalrakh is a small but steep settlement place in the North-eastern Shahrazor-Plain. It was excavated in three seasons (2016, 2017 and 2019), the fourth season 2023 has just started. The archaeological discovery will be carried out jointly by the Slemani Archaeological and Heritage Directorates, along with two universities (University of Erlangen and University of Frankfurt), in Gridi-Kazhaw and Qalrgh. It will continue for years.

Image Title calendar2024-07-25

Memorandum of Understanding Between Slemani antiquities and heritage Directorate and Kurdistan Geological Society Slemani Branch

Slemani antiquties and heritage Directorate signed a memorandum of understanding between our directorate as a government entity and Kurdistan Geologists Association Slemani Branch to further coordinate and serve these two fields in Kurdistan in general and Sulaimani in particular.

Grdi Kani Shaie, excavations provided the first stratigraphic sequence for this previously unexplored region

Article Name

Grdi Kani Shaie, excavations provided the first stratigraphic sequence for this previously unexplored region.

Kani Shaie is a site located in the Bazian Valley that has been excavated by the University of Coimbra, with many collaborations since 2013. This 60m diameter mound revealed continuous occupation from the Ubaid period in the 5th millennium BCE to the Early Bronze Age in the 3rd millennium BCE.
 Excavations documented 2500 years of occupation in a step trench on the southern slope. Horizontal excavations on the northeast quadrant reached Early Bronze Age levels. While the mound saw repeated use until modern times, it was abandoned except for temporary 11th-12th century and 19th century activity. Excavations provided the first stratigraphic sequence for this previously unexplored region and an impressive numerical tablet from the Uruk Period.