En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-01-30

Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province

Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province

Image Title calendar2024-01-28


Recent palaeoenvironmental, historical, and archaeological investigations, primarily consisting of site reconnaissance, in the Shahrizor region within the province of Sulaymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan are bringing to light new information on the region’s social and socio-ecological development.

Image Title calendar2024-03-28


The archaeological mission from the University of Tsukuba began to investigate the Neolithic sites in the Iraqi-Kurdistan region in 2014. The purpose of our investigations was to reconsider the issue of Neolithization in Iraqi-Kurdistan, where research began in the 1940s and 50s and was stalled by political issues starting in the 1960s. With the full support of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Slemani Department of Cultural Heritage, we first began our research at the Qalat Said Ahmadan site, located in the Pshdar Plain. We were able to identify the cultural deposits of the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, those of the Hassuna, Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid, and Iron Age, and have clarified the nature of the Neolithic site located at the edge of the fan deposits [Tsuneki et al. 2015, 2016, 2019].

Archaeological work in the region is concentrated in Slemani

Article Name

The international university and institute that currently have agreement to work and excavation in Slemani Province 

Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage of Slemani, currently has many contracts and partnerships with several foreign universities and institutes for (surveying, excavation, reconstruction and maintenance….. etc) in Slemani province.
All contracts are approved by the General Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage in the Kurdistan Region and its ministry in the government.
The content of the contracts will be drafted in the Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage of Slemani and reviewed by the section of (archaeologist and heritage) and legal section of the General Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage.
The content of the contracts are based on law no.(5) of 2021 on the management and protection of Antiquities and heritage of the Kurdistan Region.
Some of the points of all contracts are derived from the law and fixed, while other points vary according to the type of archaeological sites, periods, type of works whether surveying ,excavation  or restoration…. etc.

1. University of Reading, UK. (Grdi-Bestanswr) and (Chami Zawi)
2. University of Munich, Germany and New York, America. (Grdi-Rostam)
3. University of Chubu, Japan. (Grdi-Yasin Tapa)
4. University of Tsukuba, Japan. (Gudi Charmo)
5. Institute of Liberal Art and Science, Kanazawa University, Japan. (Grdi-Shakr Tapa and Shekh Maeruf)
6. Institute for Western Asian Archaeologies, Frei Universität Berlin, Germany. (Grdi-Begum)
7. Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany. (Grdi-Kazhaw and Qlerkh)
8. Universidad de Coimbra, Portuguese. (Grdi-Kani Shai)
9. Sapienza - Università di Roma, Italian. (Grdi-Yasen Tapa)
10. National museum of ASIAN ART, Smithsonian, America. (Grdi-Ban Qala)
11. University Paris I, French. (Grdi-Kunara)
12. CNRS, Paris I, French, (Ashkawti Sarsyan, Rostam Akha).
13. University Heidelberg, Germany, (Mirquli and Rabana project)
14. University of Liverpool UK, (Ashkawta Rash and Pala Gawra)
15. University of Lion, French (Grdi-Qala and Logrdan)
16. CNRS, French (Grdi-Kunara)
17. University of Munster, German (Grdi-Bazar & Qalat Dinka)
18. Archaios, French (Survey)