En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

Surveying Dukan Lake

The latest archaeological activity is the survey of some of the archaeological Sites in Dukan Lake. It is a joint work between the Archeology and heritage Directorates (Slemani, Raperin and Pisa University) of Italy.

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

New exhibition of the archaeological investigations at Gird-i Yasin Tepe

The site is one of the largest tell-type sites in the Slemani Governorate and contains rich archaeological remains from the Neolithic to the Islamic periods.

Image Title calendar2024-01-28

The Iraqi Kurdistan Region has discovered a new Sassanid settlement located on Grdi-Kazhaw

Gird-î Kazhaw is located at the eastern perimeter of the large spring near Bestansur. The site consists of two mounds extending across an area of 4 ha. Mound A is only 2–3 m in height and of oval shape while Mound B reaches up to 10 m in height.

Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province

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Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province