En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-03-07


The south-western foothills of the Zagros range, in Iraqi Kurdistan, have long been largely unexplored because it has been impossible for archaeologists to carry out fieldwork research in this area for more than half a century.

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

Residential project in Chwartaq district

In the Chwartaq district, there is a residential project. As per the Guidelines for the Implementation of the Law on The Management and Preservation of Heritage the Kurdistan Region of Iraq No. 5 of 2021, which were published in Al-waqa'a Al-iraqiya Newspaper (306), Number (23) on 14/7/2023, Article (10) and paragraph (3) state that if the land area for a commercial project exceeding more than (10 Acres), a test pit needs to be excavated to determine if the land is an archaeological site or not.

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

Darband-i Rania Archaeological Project, with an area in excess of 70 ha a special interest in the first millennium BC

Darband-i Rania Archaeological Project the Darband-i Rania Archaeological Project was a project directed by Dr. John MacGinnis of the British Museum, carried out in co-operation with the General Director of Antiquities of Kurdistan, the Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage of Raparin and the Directorate of Antiquities and Heritage of Slemani.

Opening a scientific course for training and teaching in photogrammetry program

Article Name

Training course on photogrammetry program was held from 18/2/2024 to 23/2/2024 in Slemani.  The course was taught by archaeologist Tiago Costa for a few days.  In the course, students were taught in practice and theory on the use of the program (Meta shape) to create 3D images, as well as how to photograph archaeological pieces and use drones for archaeological work.  

Then create a contour map of the archaeological site and restore the heritage houses.  

During the course, the students worked on the photographs of the archaeological pieces in the Slemani Museum and then the photos were taken by drone on the archaeological hill of Tapa Kal in Zhala village in southeastern Slemani.

The course was attended by several students from from Slemani Directorate of antiquities and heritage, Slemani University-department of Archeology and cultural heritage organization.

 At the end of the course, certificates were awarded to all participants.

 The supervisors of the course have previously opened similar courses in the cities of (Mosul, Baghdad and Nasiriyah).  The partners of this project so far are:

Creative Europe – STATE BOARD FOR ANTIQUITIES & HERITAGE, IRAQ – The Fact stories – SAPIENZA UNIVERSITY OF ROME – carare – doppel – University of Slemani – Slemani Antiquities & Heritage Directorate

 To learn more about previous activities in different places, please visit this website.  T4H – Training local people in 3D digitization of Cultural Heritage in Iraq (