En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

Banea 2024 Archaeological Conference at the University of Glasgow

On 3-4-5 January 2024, the University of Glasgow in Scotland hosted the International Archaeological Conference entitled "Archaeological Heritage Practice in Southwest Asia: Towards Equitable Futures".

Image Title calendar2024-01-28

Shakar Tapa on the Sharazor plain has revealed a new episode of the Neolithic discovery

Shakar Tapa has been known as a conspicuous archaeological site in the south of the Shahrazor Plain since the mid-20th century. It has an oval plan consisting of a low northeastern mound and a high conical southwestern mound with a flat top.

Image Title calendar2024-01-28

Zarzi was used by groups of hunter-gatherers between 18,000 and 14,000 years ago.

The cave here at Zarzi was used by groups of hunter-gatherers between 18,000 and 14,000 years ago. Zarzi Cave was excavated by Dorothy Garrod in 1928 and by Iraqi archaeologist Ghanim Wahida in 1971.

Halaf and Late Chalcolithic occupations at Shakar Tepe in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: Preliminary report of the 2023 excavations

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