En Ku Ar

Image Title calendar2024-01-30

Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province

Some maps and data of archaeological sites in Slemani province

Image Title calendar2024-01-11

New exhibition of the archaeological investigations at Gird-i Yasin Tepe

The site is one of the largest tell-type sites in the Slemani Governorate and contains rich archaeological remains from the Neolithic to the Islamic periods.

Image Title calendar2024-03-28


The archaeological mission from the University of Tsukuba began to investigate the Neolithic sites in the Iraqi-Kurdistan region in 2014. The purpose of our investigations was to reconsider the issue of Neolithization in Iraqi-Kurdistan, where research began in the 1940s and 50s and was stalled by political issues starting in the 1960s. With the full support of the Directorate General of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture of the Kurdistan Regional Government and the Slemani Department of Cultural Heritage, we first began our research at the Qalat Said Ahmadan site, located in the Pshdar Plain. We were able to identify the cultural deposits of the end of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period, those of the Hassuna, Samarra, Halaf, Ubaid, and Iron Age, and have clarified the nature of the Neolithic site located at the edge of the fan deposits [Tsuneki et al. 2015, 2016, 2019].

Surveying Dukan Lake

Article Name

 The latest archaeological activity is the survey of some of the archaeological Sites in Dukan Lake.  It is a joint work between the Archeology and heritage Directorates (Slemani, Raperin and Pisa University) of Italy.

The decrease in the water level of Dukan Lake provided an important opportunity to survey some of the archaeological sites in the lake (Ranya - Chawarqurna - Bangird - Khdran) that some of them had not been visited since the 1950s  Despite the difficulties, distance and dangers, the work was done very scientifically, with about 13 archaeological hills recorded.

Changes in the deterioration of the archaeological sites due to lake water, visitors and fishermen, but some new periods, archaeological objects and important clay fragments were recovered and re-recorded.  The use of drones, cameras and GPS points was another task of the project, in order to recreate new maps, determine their archaeological periods and provide new information about the hills.

 The recorded archaeological hills are:

(Grdi-Pres  - Grdi-Bayaz Agha - Grdi-Qurala - Krosk Hill -Grdi- Khazem  - Grdi-Rash  - Grdi-Musa 1 - Grdi- Musa  2 - Grdi-Musa  3 - Grdi-Khoeris  - Grdi-Kamam  - Grdi- Qurashina  - Grdi-Kundu).