Issue 20
Issue 20
The publication of archaeological and educational education by the excavation team in Ashkawta Rash After about two seasons of work in the black cave (Alla Quli) located on the border of the same village in the town of Bardaqaraman. The team، consisting of the British University of Liverpool and the Sulaymaniyah Directorate of Archaeology and Heritage, represented by the archaeologist Amanj Hama Amin Rahim,
The site is one of the largest tell-type sites in the Slemani Governorate and contains rich archaeological remains from the Neolithic to the Islamic periods.
Gird-î Kazhaw is located at the eastern perimeter of the large spring near Bestansur. The site consists of two mounds extending across an area of 4 ha. Mound A is only 2–3 m in height and of oval shape while Mound B reaches up to 10 m in height.
Issue 20