Issue 17
Issue 17
Ashkawta Rash(ئەشکەوتە ڕەش) is a Palaeolithic cave site located. 35 km northwest of the city of Slemani, near the Bazian Gates.
he formation of Ear per rone Age centres in pesopotamia is the resut of ong term processes hich can be e pained b en ironmenta economica and socia de eopments heir phsica appearance is not on a testimon of centrai ation but aso of the socia eoution relected in its impact on andscapes Large te sites surrounded b a eb of roads for inter-regiona and inter-site communication traceabe through aeria and sate ite photograph ofer a testing ground for ne methods hie the pains of northern S ria ha e itte ariation in terrain the centra Trans‐Tigris area sho s a high diferentiated terrain afected b the ridges of the agros iedmont one
In the late third and early second millennium bc, the large plain known today as the Shahrizor and its surrounding region, located in the province of Suleymaniyah in Iraqi Kurdistan, likely formed an important region of the kingdom of Simurrum (Fig. 31.1; Altaweel et al. 2012). For much of the remaining second millennium bc and into the irst two centuries of the irst millennium bc, the region was a contested border zone between northern and southern Mesopotamian kingdoms or became splintered into small kingdoms.
Issue 17